Purpose of establishment
Calvary Mission is interdenominational protestant mission group to glorify God by obeying his supreme order, giving salvation.
(Matt 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8) The purpose of this mission is as follow.
1. |
Calvary mission trains evangelist or aspiring missionary to preach the gospel domestically and internationally.
2. |
Calvary mission cooperate with foreign missionary institute to proclaim the gospel throughout the world. |
3. |
Calvary mission evangelize both domestically and internationally by educated and trained person. |
A. Domestic missionary work
- Evangelizing Prisoners (Police detention home, Prison, Juvenile corrective institution)
- Evangelizing at military camps, hospitals and nursing facilities (Senior hospitals, Nursing homes, General hospitals)
- Evangelizing at churches, schools, work place, child shelters(Orphanage)
- Evangelizing disables, domestic mission trip
Missionary works above are as follow. Evangelizing at police detention home (2 teams in Seoul, 1 team in Daejeon) is held on Saturday afternoon. Evangelizing at military camps, prisons, juvenile correction institution, hospitals, nursing homes, churches, schools, work places, orphanage is held on every Sunday evening or national holiday. We have a specialized program made to evangelize. |
B. Overseas missionary work
- Evangelizing other countries
- Supporting missionaries
- Dispatching missionaries
The special mission team visits other countries of the world and spends around 2-3weeks preaching the gospel at the local church, school, military, prison, hospital town square, and etc. |
The members of Calvary mission have to confess their faith as following. |
- I believe the bible is God-breathed and has absolute authority over faith and action.
- I believe God is the one and only. He is the Almighty God who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit which is the Holy Trinity.
- I believe in the human and divine nature of Jesus and His virgin birth. I believe in His sinless life and the miracles He had perform. He died on the cross for me to give forgiveness of sins. I believe in the Resurrection and the Ascension of His body. I believe He has sitteth at the right hand of God and will come to judge the quick and the dead in power and glory.
- I believe all man are control by the sin due to the corruption and we are under curse and wrath of God but by believing Jesus Christ, we can be saved by the grace of our God.
- Believers are born-again by the Holy Spirit, live their lives holy, and have the power to testify Jesus Christ.
- I believe believers of Christ resurrect to life and unbelievers of Christ resurrect to judgement.
- Believers are the body of the christ and they believe in God spiritually in Jesus Christ.
- I believe all believers of the christ should cooperate in obeying the supreme order, which is to proclaim the gospel throughout the world.
" How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"
< Isaiah 52:7 >